Warwick Tutor - 1 to 1 tuition for adults and children
Private Maths Lessons

11+ Top Tips for the day!


    • Pack your (see-through) pencil-case the night before – have plenty of sharpened pencils and a rubber.
    • Relax and have an early night before the test – no last-minute studying!
    • Have a good breakfast on the morning of the test.

    • Listen very carefully to instructions you are given about the test paper, time given etc.
    • Read the written instructions carefully.
      Arrange the question paper on one side and the answer sheet on the other.
    • Don’t stop working – don’t daydream or watch other candidates.
    • Answer the questions you find the easiest first, or which carry the most marks.
    • Keep an eye on the time as you work through.
    • Check all answers at the end of the section if you have time. Go back to unanswered questions.

    • READ the question, ANSWER the question, CHECK your answer.
    • Jot down numbers etc as you go along.
    • Don’t try to keep it all in your head. It will slow you down.
    • Use ELIMINATION – narrow down the options.
    • Write out words to check spellings.
    • Mark questions to return to – don’t spend time fretting on difficult ones, GUESS and move on. Return if you have time.

    • Mark ALL your answers on the answer sheet – it is the answer sheet that is marked!
    • NO blanks – zero chance of getting a mark if you leave it blank. A guess has more chance than a blank!
    • FILL in the answer sheet NEATLY. Keep inside the boxes and no other marks (and no doodles!).
    • RUB OUT incorrect answers carefully – have only one answer visible.

    • Stay calm.
    • Just do your best!
Nicola Bhalerao - Warwick Tutor

About Me

My name is Nicola Bhalerao and I am a private tutor based in Warwick. Since 2013, I have provided one-to-one tuition for children and adults. I specialise in maths tutoring, but cater for different requests, ranging from 11+ / entrance exams to various uses of maths, e.g. : interviews, job promotions, GCSE retakes, Functional Skills, nursing, teaching – any situation where confidence in maths is required.

My background is in computing, with a Computer Science degree from Warwick University. I have worked many years as a programmer, latterly in the games industry. Both my sons were tutored by me for the 11+ (they went to a local grammar school). I received training for teaching secondary school maths and I am fully CRB checked.

Read here for more information on tuition for your child or tuition for yourself or another adult.