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Fraction Decimal Percentage Conversion Triangle

26th March, 2025

How to convert between Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages are Equivalent

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (F.D.P.) are all different ways of expressing the same thing – part of a whole.

We might, for example, say “Half a cake”, “0.5 of a metre” or “50% off sale” – and this fraction, decimal and percentage are all equivalent.

Equivalent Fractions, Decimals and Percentages worth knowing

There are some useful equivalent Fractions, Decimals and Percentages worth knowing, without having to convert.

Fraction Decimal Percentage
0/1 0.0 0%
1/10 0.1 10%
1/5 0.2 20%
1/4 0.25 25%
3/10 0.3 30%
2/5 0.4 40%
1/2 0.5 50%
3/5 0.6 60%
7/10 0.7 70%
3/4 0.75 75%
4/5 0.8 80%
9/10 0.9 90%
1/1 1.0 100%

Converting between Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

Converting between Fractions, Decimals and Percentages (F.D.P.) can be done in different ways, with and without a calculator.

This F.D.P. Conversion Triangle summarises the process, showing by example that 13/20, 0.65 and 65% are all equivalent.

Fraction Decimal Percentage Conversion Triangle - with example

Printable revision guide on How to Convert Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

FREE download – Revision guide on How to Convert Fractions, Decimals and Percentages. This includes a blank version as well as the example shown above.

How to convert between Fractions, Decimals and Percentages
Nicola Bhalerao - Warwick Tutor

About Me

My name is Nicola Bhalerao and I am a private tutor based in Warwick. Since 2013, I have provided one-to-one tuition for children and adults. I specialise in maths tutoring, but cater for different requests, ranging from 11+ / entrance exams to various uses of maths, e.g. : interviews, job promotions, GCSE retakes, Functional Skills, nursing, teaching – any situation where confidence in maths is required.

My background is in computing, with a Computer Science degree from Warwick University. I have worked many years as a programmer, latterly in the games industry. Both my sons were tutored by me for the 11+ (they went to a local grammar school). I received training for teaching secondary school maths and I am fully CRB checked.

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