To calculate the Lowest Common Multiple (LCM) or Highest Common Factor (HCF) of two numbers, you first need to understand what factors and multiples are.
How to find the mean, median, mode and range?
Mean, Mode and Median are all types of averages. The average of a set numbers is never bigger than the biggest number, or smaller than the smallest, but a number somewhere in between.
What is the best calculator for maths at school?
I recommend this calculator for children taking their maths GCSE, and for adults, such as those taking Functional Skills maths, numeracy skills tests, or wanting to improve their general maths confidence.
How do you calculate the volume of a pizza?
It is basically the same method to calculate the volume of a cylinder, but with a side-order of fun. Here I show how to calculate volumes of various 3D shapes.
How do you change an improper fraction to a mixed number?
How do you change an improper fraction to a mixed number?
What is a mixed number? A mixed number is a whole number and a fraction.
How to Find Fraction of an Amount
What is a fraction?
A fraction is part of a whole. It could be 1/4 of a cake, or 3/5 of £15.00.
This resource shows how to find fraction of an amount.
How to Add Fractions (and Multiply and Divide Fractions)
How to Add Fractions (and Subtract, Multiply and Divide) – with FREE to download resources for revision
Fraction Decimal Percentage Conversion Triangle
Fractions, Decimals and Percentages are all different ways of expressing the same thing – part of a whole. This resource shows how to convert between the three.
How to calculate the area and circumference of a circle
Do you want an easy way to remember how to calculate the area and circumference of a circle? Here is a great little poem to help…
Received a thank you card in the post today from one of my GCSE students this year
Thank you for all the help and support you gave me whilst I was revising for my maths exams. It gave me more confidence in my ability and helped me to gain a greater understanding of the subject.
Good luck to everyone receiving their GCSE results today!
Good luck to everyone receiving their GCSE results today! Fingers crossed for all my students who took their maths this summer.
Confused about the new 9-1 grades for maths and English GCSE?
Confused about the new 9-1 grades for maths and English GCSE? What is a pass rate for the maths GCSE if it isn’t a C any more? The department of Education have published a useful guide on what the changes will mean for this year’s…